Het Destructieve Karakter (Translation: The Destructive Character) size: 27x20 cm / 167 pages


The Destructive Character

In Het Destructieve Karakter I redesigned the essay written by Dick Raaijmakers (2003) edited and translated by Vincent W.J. van Gerven Oei. The book I made consists of 8 sections, each printed on a different type of paper. The sections are subdivided into English and Dutch, separated by the images in between them. The Dutch text is always on the left side of the imagepage, and the English text on the right. In this sense the text is cut short or destructed in each section, leaving the reader searching for the remains of text in the next section.

The assignment also consisted of short exercises and weekly experiments playing with the idea of destruction and in my case: fragmentation.

Book cover / The Destructive Character

Book cover / The Destructive Character

Sketches and short assignments







Booklet on the fragmentation of text. Size: 7x7cm / 24 pages 

Paragraph 12: Implosion

Paragraph 12: Implosion


vandenbosch.charlotte at gmail

Dutch designer

Based in NYC

Built with Berta.me

Charlotte van den Bosch ©